The Fly Fishing Place:Fishing Gift Set: Brown Trout Tools with Chernobyl Ant and Foam Hopper Fly Fishing Flies Assortment - 12 Flies - 2 Each of 6 Tro クチコミ・インプレ


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Trout Fly Assortment - Foam Body High Visibility Grasshopper Dry Fly Collection - 1 Dozen Flies - Hook Size 8,10 and 12 - Fly Fishing Hopper Dropper Assortment includes 2 flies each: Purple Chernobyl AntMantis BLT Foam Hopper Yellow Feth HopperGodzilla Hopper yellowFoam Ant Brown RedChernobyl Ant Orange
カテゴリ― 完成フライ
メーカー The Fly Fishing Place

